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OraMD Review

OraMD Review

  • Step 1 – Brush twice a day in the morning and evening using 2-5 drops of OraMD on a toothbrush and brush normally. Do not swallow.
  • Step 2 – Floss every evening before brushing – more frequently as needed. Get any food particles out from between teeth.
  • Step 3 – Use OraMD as mouthwash twice a day: morning and evening. Just put 1-2 drops into an ounce of water, swish and gargle. This is important to kill the bacteria in the entire mouth including the back of tongue.
  • Step 4 – Mid-morning, mid-afternoon and as needed: put 1-2 drops on the tip of the tongue to coat the gum line and teeth to kill bacteria and keep breath fresh. 

  • OraMD
    • Naturally fight gum problem-causing bacteria in 4 simple steps:
      Brush, Floss, Rinse, Refresh.
    • Use as a 3-in-1 toothpaste, mouthwash and breath freshener
    • Recommended by Dentists Worldwide
    • Cheaper than Crest Pro-Health products – save up to 39%
    • 100% Pure Ingredients killed Periodontal Bacteria in New Clinical Study
    • One Full Year, 100% Money Back Guarantee – No Questions Asked

    Please be advised that OraMD may taste overwhelmingly stout over the first half dozen uses or so and you will experience a very strong, minty taste. You may want to start out using just a drop or two! This strong “burn” is actually the anti-inflammatory properties killing bacteria and does take about a week to get used to but the “burn” will decrease in time. While less than one percent of users have disliked the taste

    Yes it has a bitter taste to it but nothing really bad but nothing your mouth cant handle, hey remember the saying what doesn't kill you will make you stronger well this OraMD is not going to kill you it is going to make your teeth stronger and your gum healthier and its all natural ingredients in this small bottle of healthier gums and teeth. It is very easy to use OraMD has a nice drip tip to it making it easy to drop onto your toothbrush and don't forget to floss your teeth. I am all about using natural alternative products and this is all natural!! but I want to stress this is not a whitener for your teeth they clearly state that!!!! its used for keeping your gums and teeth healthy and your breath fresh from bacteria that causes issue with plague and damaged teeth, I am very thankful I don't have any bleeding gum or resenting gum line or loose teeth etc, but please continue to see your Dentist for your normal visit. I know this can be used safely used for children age 3 and up as long as they don't have allergies to peppermint, spearmint, or nuts, OK but seriously I don't know many little kids that age that would use this but you never know I guess. But for older pre teen and on up in all ages I would recommend they try it one bottle will last you awhile. Find more info here 

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    OraMD Ingredients: Peppermint, Spearmint and Almond - Pure Botanical Oils

    OraMD is an all-natural liquid toothpaste, mouthwash and breath freshener.  Some of the ingredients in OraMD are potent bacteria fighters and powerful plaque fighters.  This product has interdental access, meaning it gets between the teeth and goes after the bacteria that is hidden in the nooks and crannies of your teeth and gums.
    OraMD is comprised of three 100% pure botanical oils:
    Peppermint Oil
    This 100% natural botanical oil is a proven natural combatant to many types of the bacteria in your mouth. Since OraMD is an oil, it does not dry out your mouth like toothpaste and mouthwash can because it is not alcohol based. The oil seeps between the gum line and attacks your bacteria even while you sleep and provides additional support to fight dry mouth. Dry mouth causes the bacteria to multiply at an accelerated rate and must be controlled for good oral hygiene.
    Spearmint Oil
    We use only the most potent and powerful species of all our botanical oils and our spearmint oil is no different. Like the peppermint oil, spearmint oil fights the 22 known harmful bacteria in your mouth, but when the two are combined they make a synergistic and powerful product.
    Almond Oil
    By using OraMD, with its almond oil you’ll be allowing your mouth to have the bacteria control you need for your mouth to heal itself. Almond oil provides just the right base for peppermint and spearmint.

    Check them out today
    Verdict: OraMD is better for your health, and easier on your wallet. heck yea Dentist cost a lot to fix painful teeth etc. xoxo 

    The manufacturer is willing to offer my readers one FREE bottle. They said they would love to have our readers try out OraMD and agreed to send one bottle FREE if our readers would pay a minimal shipping and handling charge.  They also agreed to include 2 eye-opening reports called 1) “The 6 Hidden Dangers In Toothpaste” and 2) “Why The FDA Requires A Warning Label On Your Toothpaste.”  That’s a total value of over $40.00.  Click here to get your FREE bottle and FREE reports now.

    Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."


    JewelWood said…
    I won a bottle of the Oramd and I like it a lot. It really cleans my teeth without all the paste. I like the clean feeling I get and no mess when using. Plus it keeps my breath fresh for hours!
    Anonymous said…
    I like the sounds of these will check it out.

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