5 Bottles Beetology Cold Pressed Juices plus T-shirt @beetology #beetology #giveaway #usa
How many times have you wanted a healthy juice...But you noticed they are chuck full of processed sugars, artificially flavors, full of calories. and not healthy for you at all. These five Beet juices are non diary, No soy in them, and certified kosher. Non GMO, Organic Certified, USDA approved, and fair trade. No artificially flavors, No Aspartame, We would like to introduce you to the NEW Beetology Beverages: Simple Nutrition- Packed Juices Made from all Natural Organic Superfood- Beets, Organic and Cold Pressed In the five varieties seen in the pictures. New healthy choices, with all Natural Organic Beet juices, Beetology Beverages have Loads of Nutrition Packed in their Juices, Made From all Natural Superfood Beets. http://www.kayco.com Kayco is the leading Kosher food distributor in America. Keep your energy up and keeps you healthy, win win Made with the finest healthy ingredients. and that my friend is wo...