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Making Connections

December 11 Psalm 16:7-11, Acts 2:25-33. Philippians 3:8-16 Making Connections: From atheists to agnostics, at every end of the spectrum of belief (or disbelief), people share a common hope: the hope of everlasting life. We see its pursuit in health fads which promise longer life; in people choosing to cryogenically freeze their bodies in the case they might be someday thawed & restored; in the metaphoric (or actual) quest for the fountain of youth; and even in obsession over vampires, who are often glorified, possessing eternal life & youth. Generally speaking, no matter what you believe, you don't want to die. And if you do, you want to come back or live another kind of life in paradise. Rather that trusting in some other means or even his own wealth, David trusted in God for his preservation. Like Job did, he had some sense that God would not abandon him to Sheol, but that at God's hands he would find pleasures that last forever. When his life ha...