
Showing posts with the label go go bird zing toys

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Zing Go Go Bird - Remote Control Flying Toy - Looks and Flies Like A Real Butterfly @Zing_Toys

Go  Go  Bird Butterfly   Zing  continues  to soar high following the launch of  its  iconic Go  Go  Bird –this time with the new  Go  Go  Bird Butterfly ! This elegant and intelligent flying butterfly is the perfect mix of traditional R/C and today’s trending drone toys.  •  Go  Go  Bird Butterfly looks  and  flies just like a real butterfly ,  providing the most dynamic  and unique remote-control aerial experience  ever !   •  Integrating a lightweight body design and a wireless remote control the Go  Go  Bird Butterfly is continuing Zing’s trend of bringing the tech toys category to new heights!    •  With flying distances of up to 100 feet in the air, watch your butterfly fl utter  high in the sky —you can also  perform aerial tricks, or see who can land in the most unique places using its intuitive remote control.    • ...