
Showing posts with the label The Straw Bale Garden Complete book

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Win 3 Straw Bale Gardens Complete Books / 3 Winners @StrawBaleGarden #strawbalegardens #giveaway

This book is a complete guide to Joel’s method, detailing the entire process of growing a straw bale garden... Who knew that was possible?  The Straw Bale Garden Complete method, was pioneered by Karsten over twenty years ago, and continues to grow in popularity all around the world... We personally think everyone needs one of these books, Grow your own, and stay healthy!!  While the method makes growing a vegetable garden so easy anyone can do it anywhere, it must be done following a very specific process in order to have success. His second edition includes additional information about straw bale gardening organically, irrigation in dry climates, gardening in small and urban spaces, and an amazing new section about making your own bales from grass clippings and leaves and compostable materials from your own back yard, The moment in life you think why  didn't I think of that lol, Seriously a Genius idea, don't you think? Who Would of every thought growing prod...