
Showing posts with the label The Adjustable Collar Stay

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Win CLEVERFIT, The Adjustable Collar Stay

CLEVERFIT, The Adjustable Collar Stay Review and Giveaway You know its important to have the pressed collars on your shirts to have the stay get that polished look? Check out this fashion company they thought of a great way to get those collars looking fabulous!! You know those plastic stay were a pain I for one am very happy this company came out with a new improvement in the Stay for the Collars!!  No more sloppy collars yay this is a big improvement to any mans wardrobe.  I always love the Stories on how a company got started this is an amazing about info, Sit back and please take the time to read it. The CLEVERFIT Story Inventing and developing The CLEVERFIT Adjustable Collar Stay was one of the most amazing and challenging journeys of my life. As an engineer and entrepreneur, I’ve always dreamed of creating innovative ideas that help simplify everyday tasks, save us time and make our experiences more rewarding. For me, the CLEVERFIT...