Treat your back pain #health #backpain
Treat your back pain # health # backpain Oh Backpain, We all have had it at one time!! Or you still might be suffering from it, I do hope this post helps many xoxo Back pain or backache is a common medical problem today. If it lasts for more than three months, it is said to be chronic. Nearly 8 out of every 10 people suffer from back pain at some point or the other during their lifetime. Backache could range from a slight, continuous ache to sudden sharp pain. Severe and sharp pains usually have a sudden onset and may last from a few months to even weeks. In most of the cases, treatment is not necessary. The pain subsides on its own. Painkillers can offer quick relief but rest is always recommended to allow the body to heal itself. Symptoms of back pain include an inability to stand straight, muscle pain, limited range of movements and decreased flexibility of the spine, stabbing or shooting pains, and pain that lasts for months together at a stretch with no demonstrab...