Prejuvenation 6 Things Millennials Can Do to Maintain Their Youth #Healthyliving #sponsored #Skincare
Prejuvenation 6 Things Millennials Can Do to Maintain Their Youth Many people in their 20’s are stressed out about high post-college student loan debt requiring long work hours and side hustles to pay it off. They’re noticing their work hard play hard lifestyle is leading to tired eyes and premature wrinkles. They turn to filters to optimize their social media photos. Many are influenced by celebrities their age not to mention the countless millennial “social media influencers” who are setting the new standard for beauty and youth. Bottomline, millennials are stressed, and they don’t want to look it. Dr. Manesh Shah, Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon who specializes in facial plastic surgery urges the under 30 crowd not to overdo it with expensive treatments and procedures that can actually make them look older and put them further into debt. Here is his list of 6 things millennials can do to maintain their youth. 1. Use sunblock every day. The best way to make sure your fa...