#ad Do You Have the Jitters? Surprising Things That Could Be Causing Anxiety @comprehendMind
Do You Have the Jitters? Surprising Things That Could Be Causing Anxiet y www.comprehendthemind.com Anxiety is a mental illness that disrupts daily life causing feelings of impending doom along with unwanted thoughts and unpleasant physical symptoms. Some people are more predisposed to anxiety than others. Did you know that there are “external” factors/habits in our daily lives that can increase anxiety? Dr. Sanam Hafeez a NYC based neuropsychologist and Teaching Faculty Member at the prestigious Columbia University Teacher’s College shares surprising things that could be causing anxiety. You may see several on this list that are causing jitters in your own life. 1.Cigarettes Often, people who smoke tend to rely on cigarettes to ease their anxiety. However, nicotine found in cigarettes affects your brain, including your mood. But nicotine also ramps up blood pressure and heart rate, two physical symptoms t...