
Showing posts with the label 14 SMART SKINCARE HACKS FOR GYM RATS

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14 SMART SKINCARE HACKS FOR GYM RATS Exercise is good for the body and mind and did you know exercise and sweating is good for your skin, too?  Dr. Margarita Lolis, a New Jersey board certified dermatologist explains that,  "When exercising we release toxins from our skin, opening up and clear out our pores. However, if you miss one important step when it comes to exercising and skin, you'll start to notice your skin going downhill." Here are some pointers to help your skin look its post-workout best.  A head-to-toe routine is a must Dr. Lolis found that those who work out several times per week seem to have similar skin issues. These 14 Skincare Hacks for Gym Rats provided by Dr. Lolis, are based on the common issues her own patients often face. very helpful information, wouldn't you all agree? 1.   Use disposable body wipes:  or medicated/herbal wet tissues right after a workout. This will help in removing excess oil from your skin. ...