
Showing posts with the label Review Ozeri 10" Stainless Steel Earth Pan

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Review Ozeri 10" Stainless Steel Earth Pan

Review Ozeri 10" Stainless Steel Earth Pan This Non stick stainless Steel Pan is 10" with A 100% PFOA-Free Non Stick Coating made in USA Lets gets the products Description    Featuring ETERNA -- a safe and natural non-stick developed in the USA, the Stainless Steel Earth Pan by Ozeri is the world's only stainless steel frying pan to achieve non-stick perfection without using PFOA -- a harmful chemical used in all traditional cookware. Conventional pans achieve their non-stick performance with the aid of PFOA (PerFluoroOctanoic Acid), which the EPA has classified as a 'persistent pollutant of the environment'. According to the EPA, once ingested PFOA is capable of remaining in people for a very long time, and has been shown to cause developmental and other adverse effects in laboratory animals. With the Stainless Steel Earth Pan's ETERNA coating, even under high temperatures, no harmful substances are ever released into t...