
Showing posts with the label vanity planet tooth brush

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Vanityplanet Electric Toothbrush @VanityPlanet Get 20%: RAZZLEDAZZLESTYLES20 #Sonictoothbrush

Vanityplanet has a very nice Sonic Toothbrush, with a nice grip and sleek look to it, not heavy to use. Important things to remember when using any electric toothbrush. Let the toothbrush do it’s work at gently brushing your teeth. Giving you those sparkling teeth 🦷 After all that is the way it was designed to work, another important thing is always use soft toothbrushes. Also so many people think that you have to use a hard toothbrush to get your teeth really clean... actually that is not the case according to most dentist we have talked to... Hard toothbrush can actually do much more damage to your enamel of your teeth. This Elements UV sanitizer Tooth brush kit. .. comes complete with 3 brush heads to reach all the teeth nooks and crannies lol Discount code 20%: RAZZLEDAZZLESTYLES20!  Link: 40,000 Brush Strokes Per Minute - Compared to the 300 strokes per minute you had with your old manual too...