Win $129.95 Ultraviolet Shoe Sanitizer
THE BAGS ARE WELL MADE AS WELL AS THE GADGET Steri Shoe Ultraviolet Shoe Sanitizer, SEE HOW WELL THEY FIT SEE ONE IS WITH LIGHT ON AND PURPLE BAGS COMES WITH THE INSTRUCTION If you are looking to help in so many ways from, athletes foot, offensive foot odor, toenail fungus. This is your answer, Keeps you away from harsh chemicals, that are not good for you, its best to use a techno gadget with the most effective out come, to clean up and kill the bacteria, fungus. And best news is this works. Oh my goodness I was blown away how fast and effective this Ultraviolet Shoe Sanitizer really works, my son and daughter plays a lot of sports and believe me. I make him and her take off their shoes in the garage. Because from sweating in their tennis shoes. The smell will kill you, I have tried washing them and leaving them in the sun, Nothing worked as fast and as this Ultraviolet Shoe Sanitizer , Seriously this is one amazing techno gadget. That will be r...