
Showing posts with the label UPDATE: Still trying to heal from #injury

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UPDATE: Still trying to heal from #injury, Just a reminder New Reviews and Giveaway Coming: #Fashions , Purses, Giftcards,

UPDATE: Just a reminder New Reviews and Giveaway Coming  Sorry Posting has been a little Slow, But Still dealing with this major pinched nerve, In the neck, shoulder, Left arm, Never knew how painful it could be, Been doing Physical therapy 3X Week Now. Working as fast as we can to get all these post out. Without hurting myself more!  Miss all of  you, and all of your Comments  If anyone know any faster cure for healing this pain and  inflammation? I am all ears, Please do share : Cant wait to get better soon, Lots of pics and reviews, and giveaways to get posted on this blog :)  As you all know we are a Little behind in getting out Giveaways and Reviews for all these fabulous Companies. As you all know I have Injured my Neck and left Shoulder and my Left arm, So Dr. said I need to take it a little bit slower on the computer . Omg, who knew injury like this can be such a pain to heal. And it just so happens my Dr. and all the staff, Have joined...