Recipes and Valentine Day with the Melting Fondue Pot
Selecting a Fondue Pot
Tips for Selecting a Fondue Pot:
• A ceramic or earthenware fondue pot is usually preferred for making cheese and chocolate fondues at home but a pot made of stainless steel is the ideal choice for preparing entree fondues.
• It’s best to choose a metal pot that comes with a ceramic insert for preparing cheese and chocolate fondues so that you can use the same pot for entree, cheese and chocolate fondues.
• Ceramic pots should be heated with a low flame. Fondue sets usually come with a burning apparatus, but, in a pinch, a tea light or small candle will usually do the trick.
• There are two types of metal fondue pots: electric or the old-fashioned open-flame variety. Electric pots allow you to easily control temperature. Today's open-flame pots have new types of fuels, such as gels, that are easy to use as well.
Not only is fondue an intimate romantic meal to share on Valentine’s Day but February is National Fondue Month and National Chocolate Fondue Day is celebrated on Feb. 5.