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Wakeup 2 what you use on your body #USA approves all this junk #skincare #Cosmetics #video Plz Comment

In the USA there are No Laws the require Cosmetics Companies to show safety of their products!! When I was in Europe that would never pass, they would be banned, And many other Countries would not allow this to be sold in their Countries!! Wake up USA, they have so much crap they get away with here, and I also mean Big Name brand Companies products, that you and your family use every day!! Cosmetic Companies that are Billion dollar Companies release all these bad Chemicals in your everyday products you use everyday!! Be your own advocate!! I am serious this is just getting worse all the time. Just google it and read up on the harmful effects you can get using these Cosmetics and more. It really Concern me, The health in this Country is declining, and trust me using these type of Cosmetic will even enhance it faster.. I believe this video has a lot of helpful info on it, Please view video, Please leave me any Comment you have, I want to hear your thoughts?? Maybe your view is different than mine?? All I am saying is read the ingredient's on the label, and what you don't understand google it :) and don't just assume if it says Natural or Organic.. that it is healthy for you to Use, READ INGREDIENTS!! There are good Companies out there that do make Natural,Organic, healthy Cosmetics and More, Not to bash them, Because I love they are out there helping many people make healthy choices :) But the problem I see with these Healthy Cosmetics Companies.. Is that they do make Good Healthy Organic Natural Products for you body!! But they also are more pricey to buy, Or they are not sold in local Stores!! So that leads you to have to order on their websites and pay shipping etc.. And that can stir away a lot of people to buy the cheaper products with junk in them!! I really get that :) But the Companies that have the junk in them, That is where they know they have a good advantage of making money, Because they keep their prices down and they are easy to buy, But just know those products are harmful to your ever day health!! PLEASE Just read ingredients on anything that you are putting on your body!! I can't stress this enough, I know I am going to get a lot of Company, and others upset by this post, But so be it!!  In my opinion if it helps get the word out, It is worth it to me :) It is all about the Money these Companies are Making!! There needs to be some Serious guidelines to what they can use in USA Products, It is crazy what they have been getting away with from using crap in babies products, Teen Products Adults Products etc.. I hope this opens your eyes!! This Video is not mine, But I felt it was a great video to get the point across, It is Scaring but True

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