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Bellemain Stainless Steel Mesh Strainers, Set of 3 Review #strainer12

Bellemain Stainless Steel Mesh Strainers, Set of 3 Review #strainer12  Bellemain Strainers are made of strong, dishwasher-safe stainless steel. A solid rim band anchors the mesh as well as the handle and loop, so there are no worries about the pieces coming apart under pressure. You'll find endless uses for them, and they'll be there for you every time. With a limited lifetime warranty, it's guaranteed. I used these this weekend for powdered sugar on my cake bites, worked great, also used them to strain my raviolis from the large pot of water, again worked great!! Easy peasy clean up. They can go directly into the dishwasher, They are Stainless Steel!! and the mesh screen is securely attached!! So they seem to be well made and will last a long time, they come in a set of three sizes!! The smallest (3-1/8") fits a large mug, perfect for pouring loose leaf teas through it. I made some ginger tea and strained it right over my large mug, worked great...

10 Tips to Prevent Heart Disease And Stroke #Health #HeartDisease #stress

10 Tips to Prevent Heart Disease And Stroke  1. Take responsibility for your health. Cardiovascular disease is the major cause of death in America, accounting for 34 percent of deaths, many suddenly and almost all of them premature. This is down from 40 percent just four decades ago, mainly due to treatment of common risk factors. If you have diabetes, your risk increases dramatically. The best prevention against heart disease and stroke is to understand the risks and treatment options. The greatest risk is ignorance or misinformation. The first step is to take responsibility for your health. 2. Know your risks. The most influential risk factor for cardiovascular disease is age – the older you are, the greater your risk. The second is your genetic make-up. Although everyone is excited by the scientific progress in genomics research, conclusive gene tests are still in their infancy. But, as I tell our medical students, “A good family history is a poor man’s gene test.” We h...

Know your Body Type #Men and #Women

Know your Body Type  Ectomorphs, Mesomorphs, and Endomorphs Every individual is different, and there is no doubt about that; however, speaking about body types, people can be broadly divided into three categories, namely ectomorphs, mesomorphs, and endomorphs. There are a number of people who may be combinations of these and therefore do not fall into a single category; but even in these cases, one type tends to predominate. Knowing your body type is very important because this can help you to chalk out a perfect diet plan as well as an appropriate exercise schedule for yourself. An ectomorph is basically a person who finds it very difficult to gain weight, in spite of being a voracious eater. Ectomorphic individuals are flat-chested beings who are pretty fragile in appearance and frail in build. They have small shoulders and need to put in double the efforts as compared to others to add some extra muscle mass to their bony frame. These people have long and slend...

Grapes are loaded with disease-fighting phytonutrients and glucose

Grapes are loaded with disease-fighting phytonutrients and glucose Grapes are loaded with disease-fighting phytonutrients and glucose, which makes them easy to digest. A handful (100 mg) of grapes has 60 - 70 calories. They are also rich in soluble fiber, insoluble fiber and cholesterol-lowering pectin, which make them an acceptable fruit for diabetics. Grapes are a good source of potassium, which helps to regulate blood pressure. Grapes, however, have very few vitamins and minerals. Compared to 212 mg of Vitamin C found in 100 gm of guavas, grapes have only 3 mg of the vitamin. Grapes are a fair source of calcium, phosphorous and iron and contain small amounts of B-vitamins, mainly in the form of folic acid. What makes grapes nutritionally significant is their high antioxidant content in the form of phytochemicals. These phytochemicals -- ellagic acid and quercetin -are present in the skin of red and black grapes and protect people against cancer and heart disease....

Health Benefits of Apples #healthy

Health Benefits of Apples #healthy Apple a day really does keep the Dr away!! Ok that is a saying I have heard about Apples, Who knew all these benefits that you can get, for your health from an Apple? Apples for good health Apples are rich in vitamin C and vitamin E, with the content varying among the over 7,000 varieties known. Vitamin C and E are powerful antioxidants that help to build a strong immune system and fight chronic diseases, besides slowing ageing. Apples are also an excellent source of disease-fighting soluble fibre in the form of pectin. The high pectin content helps in lowering cholesterol as well as acts like a laxative by bulking the stool. Pectin also helps to bind toxic metals such as mercury and lead and excrete them out of the body. Cooked apples are also known to relieve diarrheoa, dysentery and colitis. In fact, apples and apple juice are rich in polyphenols such as tannins (tannic acid) that are potent enemies of viruses, particularly herpes si...

Win Anavita Moisturizing Cream #antiaging #SkinCare

Win Anavita Moisturizing Cream #antiaging Say Goodbye To Wrinkled, Sagging, Dry Skin In Just A Few Short Weeks! Yes Anavita Moisturizing Cream leaves the skin radiant and smooth looking!! But before you get started with using any New products, I personally recommend always exfoliating your skin. I use coconut oil and baking soda!! I am huge fan of extra virgin coconut oil and baking soda for natural exfoliating!! But if you choose to use a different exfoliate that's fine too!! I sometimes just exfoliate with my skin machine brush!! The reason I do this is for my skin can absorb in the new products a lot better. And then I only use this product to see if it works for me, Because mixing different creams for day and night is not a good idea, because how will you know if the product works for you!! Right? Well that is the way I have always done it for skincare blog reviews!! You will know longer have to have a huge collection of products to fight the wrinkles and sign of ag...

Causes & Symptoms Of Water Deficiency In Human Body #health

Causes & Symptoms Of Water Deficiency In Human Body Did you know water can do all that for your body? Amazing!! More info water uses: Water (H2O) is one of the most important chemical substances required for the survival of all the living creatures on earth. It is a part of all the body tissues and body fluids including blood, urine, saliva, sweat, cerebrospinal fluid, gastric juices, pancreatic juices etc. 70% of the human body is comprised of water, 82% of blood is water; 70% of the brain and 90% of the lungs are nothing but water. In fact, it is believed that the origin of life on earth started from water. Water is necessary for almost all the body functions and activities.  Functions :  Blood in animals and sap in plants is composed mainly of water Our bodies require about 1.5-2 litres of water daily, the requirement increases in summer Helps in regulating body temperature Moistens the body tissues (e.g. mouth, eyes, nose etc.) Detoxification of ...